What Did The Chicken Do? Chicken Shaming At Its Best
Chickens come and go but shaming is forever. If you thought that shaming was exclusive to cats and dogs then you're in for a real treat. These chickens know no bounds. Not even their owners can control them. So that means it's time to put them to shame for attacking the baby or ruining the garden. You won't believe what some of these chickens did.
Watch Out Kitties!
This chicken is up to no good. The kittens are not safe. And she also looks like she is willing to bite whoever took this picture. Here we are again with another bully for a chicken. Hopefully, the kittens don't get hurt too badly in the process.
Not One For Telling
feznix / Instagram
This chicken must be best friends with the fox. Or perhaps she was being too chicken to say anything. We don't know but that fox could have caused a lot of damage. We hope that wasn't the case and this chicken could get her act together sooner rather than later.
We've Got A Screamer
This little chicken sounds like she's a baby. Does Piper like to be fed a bottle as well or is the holding all she needs? We didn't know chickens could be such brats but you learn something new every day. Hopefully, the owners don't decide to turn Piper into dinner for crying so much.
Poor Garden
If something takes you 22 years to create and it gets messed up by a chicken then you have all the right to be upset. But the chicken doesn't know any better. It doesn't know how long this woman spent on her precious garden. It just knew destruction so the shaming had to follow.
Look Out, Tiny Human
We're guessing this tiny human in this chicken shame would be a baby or small child. That is rule number one when it comes to kids, don't let them get harmed. This chicken is out there potentially harming children so the shaming is completely necessary.
Cough Up The Goods
You can't just stay around and not bring anything to table. If that's the case then you will be brought to the table and this is the proof. If this chicken doesn't get her stuff together then this family is going to have a good dinner pretty soon. Hang in there, chicken!
Not A Care In The World
This chicken has got some sassiness going on. What kind of chips are these that demand a trip to the workshop? They must be good if the action for not getting any is using the restroom on the floor. This chicken deserved this shaming and should reconsider their life.
This Chicken Has Got Some Nerve
As if keeping a chicken wasn't already enough work. To have to put up one who won't quiet down until she is satisfied would be the worst. Sometimes, chickens can be hard to understand so who knows why this chicken does this. But we know it is probably highly annoying.
This Chicken Thinks She's Something She Isn't
This chicken must have lived a past life as a crow or something. What is she doing sleeping in the tree as if she could fly? One of these days, she could end up injured if she does decide to try and flap her wings.
Nothing To See Here
This chicken is the spirit animal of so many people right now. To be hungry all the time is nothing to be ashamed of. That's just how it goes sometimes. The price of food can add up, however, so maybe this chicken needs to relax on the food for a minute.
The Easter Chicken
This chicken would be perfect to have around for Easter egg hunts. The only thing is the kids looking for eggs will have to make work with an actual egg and not one that is made of chocolate. But a chicken who can lay eggs in random places is a rare chicken.
What An Appetite
Having a pet frog is already something out of the ordinary. Usually, you'll have a fish or something if you want an aqua based pet. So to find out that your rare pet was eaten whole by something we eat whole is devasting. This shame is 100 percent fair.
The Bully Chicken
An oxymoron would be this chicken. Chicken usually aren't the ones doing the bullying because they are the bullied. When those little chicks grow up you can bet they'll have a different outlook on life after they were attacked by their own kind. Stay safe, chickens.
Not A Clean Chicken
The worst thing that can happen is when something living or not becomes dirty right after it is cleaned. It appears that this is what happened. Unless this owner wants all of their chickens to be sparkly clean all the time, shaming one for getting dirty would be pointless.
Sounds About Right
Welcome to 2018! This chicken is aligning with a lot of people this day and age. Being antisocial and living off other peoples' means is the new wave of the current generation. Even with her standing off to the side shows how antisocial this chicken is.
The Conceited One
Looks like they've got themselves a prima donna on their hands. The fact that this chicken knows how to check up on her hair is amazing. But this one does seem to have an interesting hairstyle compared to the others we've seen so far. All she needs is a mirror.
That Is Uncalled For
Well, this is possibly the biggest reason why a chicken or any animal should be shamed. You don't use the restroom on a human no matter what. We would think that animals have evolved enough to figure that out but apparently not. It's just something you don't do. Come on now, chicken.
For a peanut, this chicken can accomplish a lot. But how many peanuts do you want to buy for a chicken who doesn't want to lay eggs? We're sure they aren't aware that at any given moment they can be turned into food themselves so this one better get her act together.
No Bunny Is Safe
Judging by the size of the chicken, the bunny rabbits that are being attacked should be afraid. This seems like something out of the Looney Tunes as well. A giant chicken chasing a rabbit with a slick mouth, that kind of sounds familiar. Maybe there's some stuff going on behind the scenes that we do not know about.
Just Like Triplets
These chickens are three of a kind and it's safe to say that their human considers them like three triplets. Of course, there's the one that thinks they're the crown jewel of the bunch. Meanwhile one causes trouble specifically for their human while the other just likes to cause trouble.
I Think Therefore I Am
This chicken apparently thinks it's a dog! Sometimes, you spend so much time with an animal that you start to build a special bond with them. While this is definitely true of dogs, it can happen with other animals too. That's probably what happened to this chicken who wants to be treated like a dog as well!
The Perfect Strategy
Once animals get a taste of the high life indoors, sometimes it will be a whole mission on its own to get them to go back outside where they're meant to be. This chicken found out how fabulously they lived inside and decided to fake an illness to stay there until the weather gets warmer.
When They Know Why
There's no greater satisfaction to animal shaming than for your animal to know exactly why they're being shamed. It looks like this chicken knows that they've failed their human by not producing eggs. That's why the chicken can't even look them in the eyes. Hopefully, this will be a lesson learned!
They're Not Exactly Sorry
This chicken broke the cardinal rule of being a pet and that was pooping in their human's room. Maybe it's not a rule, so much as it is a rite of passage, wouldn't you agree? Because what pet hasn't pooped in their owner's room? Either way, this chicken doesn't even show any remorse for what they've done because it's only natural.
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
To get to the neighbor's house, apparently (sorry, we just had to use that joke). It's one thing to have some unruly chickens, but it's another to have to chase them all over the neighborhood because they keep running away! These chickens prefer the comforts of the neighbor's yard. But hey, as long as the neighbor doesn't get mad it should be okay, right?
They Just Want To Be Loved
Beware trying to pick up this chicken because it might just peck your eye out! But once you do actually get a hold of her, she might just love you right back. We don't get it. If she loves cuddles, why would she be so afraid of people picking her up? Who's to say? Chickens are pretty weird.
The Baby Daddies
This is Nugget. Nugget is a mother of ten, but she doesn't really know who their fathers are. Apparently, she's had donors in order for her to have kids, but she doesn't know that! She probably worries about what all the other mother hens in the neighborhood might think of her.
Chickens Can Be Destructive
Growing your own fruits and vegetables and raising farm animals can be pretty rewarding. But imagine those animals betraying you and wasting all your hard gardening work! That's exactly what this chicken did to their human's pumpkins, which took them six long months to grow! What a shame. The chicken doesn't even care.
Too Young For Its Own Good
This young chicken has a long way to go until they become a civilized chicken. Their problem is that they keep soiling their own food and water supply, much to their human's dismay. If only they understood that that's not where they're supposed to do their business. Unfortunately, they're just chickens and they'll just live how chickens live: carefree.
Distracted By Shiny Things
Be careful about putting your face too close to a chicken's — especially if you have something shiny and appealing on your face to peck at! This chicken yanked the nose ring right off their human's face and then proceeded to eat it! Yikes! We hope that the owner is okay and they seem to be, but that must have been a crazy experience.
Please Meet My Demands
There's nothing peskier than a demanding pet and this chicken is proving themselves to be exactly that. Apparently, if they don't get their way, they'll proceed to defecate all over all of your hard work and make you work even harder to clean it all up. This chicken's human has no other choice than to succumb to her chicken's will if she doesn't want to spend all day cleaning.
Why Do We Keep You?
Running a household takes a lot of work and sometimes it works better if everyone is doing their part. But when someone isn't pulling their own weight, things don't always go so smoothly. This chicken isn't doing what's expected of it and is more or less just living off the kindness and hospitality of its humans. If they don't produce eggs soon it looks like their lifestyle is going to go.
The Dynamic Duo
When you have multiple pets of different species, it's always great to see them getting along. This pet chicken and dog do exactly that. You might even say they complete each other. But what they do is a whole different story. This chicken likes to leave little treats for the dog to snatch up and eat... but it's pretty disgusting.
They Know Where The Good Stuff Is Kept
This chicken uses what little power it has to fly just to get into the garden to eat the good stuff. They're tired of plain old chicken feed and want something of substance for crying out loud! But still, their humans are not too pleased about it, especially because the chicken is probably causing a mess in the garden.
It's An Acquired Taste
This chicken has an odd taste in snacks if you ask us. However, their human is not too pleased about it. Not only is it pretty gross, it's probably not healthy for the chicken or the eggs it's supposed to be producing! Hopefully, this chicken will learn better. Maybe their human should invest in better snacks.
The Not-So-Secret Sabotage
Stella is one mischevious chicken, if not an inconsiderate one. Apparently, Stella likes to poop in the water supply for all the chickens in the yard, which is pretty gross considering they all share the same water supply! Hopefully, Stella can get some proper potty training so the human doesn't have to keep fixing this!
The Bingeing Chicken
This chicken has a pretty solid morning routine that involves cockadoodledo-ing all morning until she can get her human to come out and feed her. Her human is obviously annoyed by this antic, but not only did Mom get back at her by chicken shaming, she also let out the detail that this chicken's demands are causing her to get a little hefty.
You're Not The Easter Bunny
This mischevious chicken was actually doing its job, but unfortunately, it played a trick on its owners. What this chicken did was decide to lay all her eggs underneath the deck, making them hard to find. The family must have thought she wasn't producing any eggs so they've been buying their eggs at the store for no reason!
Coming Face To Face
This chicken actually went so far as to harm their human! It probably wasn't intentional, but that's the risk you take for getting up close and personal with an animal that has a hard beak. We hope for the owner's sake they're okay, but hopefully, this chicken learns to have some compassion!
The Lazy One
If you're not getting your one job done then a proper shaming is in order. This chicken is supposed to be laying eggs but instead, she chooses to be lazy and not provide the goods. Hopefully, the shaming is what got the gears rolling on this one. Only the owner and this chicken know if it worked.