An Adorable And Hilarious Peek Into The Lighter Side Of Veterinary Medicine
Going to the vet can be a stressful situation for everyone involved. Loving pet owners are worried something's wrong with their precious little friend, the vet's not sure who or what they're dealing with until they get up close, and the animal inherently does not want to be there.
But between those stressful trips, a whole host of goofy situations can arise at the vet's office. Whether it involves pets behaving badly, their hilarious reactions to certain medications, or just the weird ways a vet has to think on their feet when a finicky pet is around, that setting can be a treasure trove for adorable comedy.
Evasive maneuvers!

Little Pablo wasn't exactly excited about his first trip to the vet, as Reddit user confibulator amusingly captured in this darling photo. But in a way, he's actually being braver than it seems about this unexpected intrusion into his day.
After all, this photo doesn't capture him in the middle of yowling. He may not be pleased about this situation, but Pablo is expressing that displeasure with dignity and poise. That may change once the vet takes a step toward him, though.
Somebody's taking their work home with them

When a cat is tiny enough that it can fit in a vet's pocket, that's usually where it will go at least one point in the visit. Not only does that keep the vet's hands-free, but riding around with a little friend in the pocket is something everyone should do at least once.
It's hard to imagine anyone getting tired of seeing this adorable little face poking out of their pocket. It's so aggressively cute, no matter which way it's facing. Just remember not to forget that it's in there!
Eight miles high

In case the adorably goofy facial expression didn't already make this clear, this cat just underwent a procedure during its last trip to the vet. And for that operation to go smoothly, it took a little extra medication.
Naturally, the result left this little buddy a bit discombobulated. Regardless of how smart this cat normally is, not a single thought is passing through its little head right now. It is going to take a little while for this little one to get back to normal!
He's large, but he's not in charge

It's unclear where Obi the Maine Coon wanted to go today, but his grumpy expression makes it obvious that it was anywhere but the Burnie Vet Centre in Tasmania. But while Reddit user mac_is_crack noted that this big boy weighs about 24.4 pounds, that's not quite big enough to get his way.
So, while Obi may be grumpy about his situation, that's only making him look funnier and cuter to everyone around him. Naturally, that's probably only going to make him less amused, and the cycle continues. Aside from Obi, it looks like everyone's OK with that.
Now, that's service!

When the staff is at lunch, it's hard to know who's supposed to cover the desk when the phones are ringing and new patients are coming in. Fortunately, it looks like a few who were already there are on the job!
It's not exactly easy to answer a phone with just barks, but this dedicated team should be able to figure it out. Three heads are better than one, right? This yellow lab looks professional and attentive, at least. It must be stuck doing all the work while the other two are goofing off.
There's a man who loves his job

It's a hard, emotionally taxing, and often messy job to be a vet. But there are some days that make both the pitfalls of the job and the years of schooling it took to get there all worth it. The kind of days that make it impossible to lose a big smile.
And from the looks of it, this vet is having one of those days. There's nothing quite like being covered in fluffy, affectionate cats to make somebody feel like they've picked the right career path.
Hope this vet wasn't planning on moving anytime soon

There's nothing that can make people get lost in a lovely moment and not want to get up quite like an adorable animal falling asleep on them. Considering that this miniature horse rested its head on the vet's feet, it's hard not to hope the vet feels like standing for a while.
That's especially true, considering what an absolute cutie the horse is! Just take a look at that spotty little butt. It looks like it's super soft, warm, and cuddly.
The group rates must be pretty good here

As Reddit user OderAuchNicht said, they took all of their seven little kittens to the vet at once. Naturally, this made commenters amazed at how well-behaved they were and how willing they were to sit still. That seemed like an utter impossibility.
However, OderAuchNicht soon confirmed that perception isn't everything, as the kittens only stayed like this for about as long as it took to take the picture. There's a reason why a difficult organizational task is often compared to herding cats.
It's hard even to recognize this little guy

When it's laying all flat like this, the little critter looks like either a slab of marshmallow or a wad of Silly Putty. But this photo actually shows a little hedgehog during a slightly awkward visit to the vet's office.
Why are all of its limbs taped down like this? Well, the hedgehog is about to get an X-ray, and it's pretty hard to get one to lay still. Imagine the precious little noises it must be making right now.
She's not really sure how this happened either

One thing that Reddit user TranceMakesMeDance wanted to make clear is that they didn't bring their dog to the vet like this. Instead, this was what she looked like when they picked her up. Indeed, it looks like the staff just happened to have a costume that fit her perfectly lying around.
Naturally, this meant that it was medically necessary to make her an adorable little taco once the checkup was over. And TranceMakesMeDance loved it, saying that all vets should be this fun. They were also amazed that the staff were able to keep her from throwing it off even for a few minutes.
It's nice to have a little support

While many animals get annoyed at the prospect of going to the vet, others find the thought much scarier. After all, it's true that there are people with legitimate fears of going to the doctor as well.
And just like them, it does so much for a scared kitty's comfort levels to have a friend there to help them feel safe. Granted, humans don't usually cuddle with their support person like this at the doctor's office, but they'd have to work pretty hard to be cuter than these two if they did.
The sweetness of this picture will be hard to top

Although vets see a lot of cats and dogs, that doesn't quite cover all the patients they could conceivably see in a given day. For instance, one vet office was lucky enough to have this absolutely precious little owl stop by.
Granted, it's hard to tell how lucky it really was for the vet without knowing how the visit went. But it's just impossible to see this picture and not fall in love with the little critter. Look at its eyes!
Well, what are they going to do with this little one?

Cats may be a common visitor at a vet's office, but those cats don't usually have tiger stripes. But no matter how exotic a pet is, they sometimes have to go to the vet just like any other little critter.
Judging by his downcast eyes, it looks like this little tiger is here for a reason: it seems pretty under the weather. However, the vet's expression makes it look like he just caught the tiger doing something naughty. It's a good thing it's still small enough not to realize how powerful it'll be one day.
As if this puppy couldn't get any cuter

Dalmatian puppies are already cute enough to power the success of both animated and live-action Disney movies, but one that stopped by one vet office managed to outdo them all. After all, which one of the 101 Dalmatians had a little heard on its nose?
This little darling may not have been that enthusiastic about going to the vet, but the vet was definitely excited to see it. It's funny how its spots just happened to turn out this way.
Somebody's been a little naughty

Pet owners looking at this will either have no idea what this cat is wearing or recognize the device with a little embarrassment. And that's because knowledge of this little plastic dome separates the nice kitties from the naughty kitties.
Apparently, somebody took its frustrations about going to the vet out on the staff themselves and got a little bitey. So now, it's got to wear this little helmet, which is obviously doing wonders for its mood. It doesn't look like this cat wants to pretend to be an astronaut.
This may be a common sight, but it's still a lovely one

While one cat was staying at this shelter, Reddit user tikitessie discovered that they would have to treat her because she was about to have kittens. As they said, "She was so good for everything despite being a scared stray. Very beautiful and going to make a great companion for someone."
And when her little kittens did come, tikitessie had a funny way of describing them. In their words, "Treated some baby aliens last week." Well, good luck seeing kittens as anything but big-headed little E.T.s now.
Good luck saying no to that face

Based on its literal puppy dog eyes, this little friend was clearly nervous about visiting the vet that day. But it was brave enough to sit still and let the nice vet treat its little paw.
Of course, it didn't have to be happy about it, and it made the fact that it wasn't pretty clear to the photographer. Even if it's not saying, "How could you do this to me?" those eyes are all it needs to get a special treat when it's finally ready to leave.
The most appreciative embrace

Even out of context, this moment couldn't look more tender and emotional. This vet and the swan had obviously been through something scary together, and the bird was giving the softest and warmest hug. Not only is it the most heartwarming thing, but it shows the difference this woman made without getting into the gory details.
Indeed, her care must have been outright life-saving. After all, anyone who's met swans in the wild can say that they're usually not this affectionate with people. Let's just say that's putting it mildly.
Looks like someone's got a little helper

Judging by a few photos that come from vet's offices, it's apparently pretty hard for them to resist the urge to put the cutest and smallest kitties wherever they can fit them. Whether it's a pocket or an opening in their shirts, the little critter absolutely must be snug and close by.
However, this vet took things a step further by getting tiny PPE for this little visitor. One cap and mask later, and this tiny cat is now the vet's distinguished colleague. Those veterinary classes don't go by any faster in cat years.
This dog has no idea where it is

When humans get their wisdom teeth taken out or go in for another procedure for which they need an anesthetic, it's not unusual for them to be a little loopy when they wake up. And fortunately for everyone, the same thing is just as true in the animal kingdom.
It's generally pretty natural to wish that humans and animals could talk to each other, but that's especially true after meeting a dog who's flying this high. One can only guess at the gibberish this guy would mistake for profundity as he babbled on. It's the only thing that would make this picture funnier.
Don't worry, it's not as bad as it looks

At first glance, it's understandable to wonder what the vet is doing to this little hedgehog and what possible reason they could have for making it sit in this jar. But while it may not be the most comfortable position for the hedgehog, there's no nefarious purpose at work here.
Instead, they just need to weigh the little critter. And since it's not exactly reasonable to expect a curious and energetic hedgehog to stay on the scale, vets keep them in little jars like these to do that. Don't worry, little fella; humans don't like weighing themselves, either.
It's always annoying when they argue with the doctor

According to Reddit user Siskriss, they took their bearded dragon to the vet only to be told that they've been overfeeding the lizard. But when she worked out an alternative diet plan, it looked like the patient had some qualms with it.
Apparently, the bearded dragon disagrees with the notion that it's being overfed and checking her math. After all, nothing gets an animal more mathematically inclined than breaking the news that it's going to need to stop living like a king for a while.
Everyone's a tough guy until it's time to go to the vet

For pet owners, it's hard not to feel guilty, smitten and amused all at once when their little friends show their frightened reactions to going to the vet. They know why their pet is there more than anyone, but it's hard to deal with how small and scared they are.
If this picture proves anything, it's that they don't get any less adorably pathetic when those dogs are almost as big as their owners. It just means that their panicked embraces might end up knocking people if they're not ready for it. It's a good thing this guy was sitting down.
Someone had a little too much fun

Usually, a dog that looks like it's under the influence of something powerful is happily waiting for its anesthetic to wear off. And considering what thin slits its eyes look like and how big its smile is, it seems obvious that this is what happened here.
However, its clear buzz is actually the reason it's here rather than an after-effect of its care. According to Reddit user SloanXL, that's because it ate some rather special brownies. That would be a reason to go to the vet even if they were ordinary, but that's even truer in this case. At least it seems pretty chill about being there.
Oh yeah, she'll never find it in there

Although it's rare for an animal to be thrilled about visiting the vet, some try to take a more tactical approach than panicking and huddling against their owner. For animals like this cat, the way around their checkup seems clear. Just hide.
Based on this cat's vaguely smug facial expression, it seems to be under the impression that it's picked the most devious and perfect hiding place. There's no way the vet could look down from her screen slightly, right?
He's not part of the system, man

Whenever a dog has been dyed like this, it's hard not to get worried that whoever was responsible for that didn't check to see if the dye was actually safe for the dog. But considering where the dog is right now, there's no reason for anyone to be worried if the vet isn't.
So it seems that Mohawk, the punk rock Pomeranian, is free to let its freak flag fly. That's a good thing because it doesn't look like the type to listen to any authority that tells it otherwise. Rock on.
Utter defeat

While some dogs might try to hide from the vet, and others might panic at the realization that they're at the vet's office, this pup doesn't have enough fight in it for either option. Instead, it resigned itself to its unwanted medical fate and just deflated all over the vet's table.
But as great of an impression of a rug as this is, that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be easy for the vet to examine this dog. That is, if it's following the toddler playbook that it appears to be and goes limp no matter what position the vet wants to put it in.
The beginning of a beautiful friendship

For the most part, people who go to the doctor's office aren't terribly chatty with each other. All they want is to get their problem taken care of and get out, so they're likely to keep to their business until they're ready to go.
But of course, dogs have never been experts when it comes to the difference between their business and everyone else's. That may mean they'll bark at random neighbors, but it'll also mean that they'll form adorable little friendships at the vet's office like these two have. That seems like a pretty good trade-off.
Now, that's a second opinion

This vet's lab coat provides yet another convenient space to fit an adorable little friend while he makes his rounds. However, it seems that nobody ever told this cat that its new sitting place didn't come with a promotion.
From the looks of this photo, the vet just gave some pet owners his diagnosis, and this little critter popped out of his pocket to give a second opinion. The owners may not know what it's mewling about, but the patient should find it very informative and reassuring.
This cat's seen some stuff

Whether it's because of the bizarre position the vet is holding it in or the fact that it's seeing her at all, this cat doesn't exactly seem at ease in this photo. Its eyes suggest that it's going through some intense flashbacks, but what are they about?
Is the cat thinking about another time it had to go to the vet or about a time when some kid held it like this at their birthday party? Did it experience the plot of Toy Story 3?
He's kind of proving everyone's point

Anyone who's ever gotten a dog neutered knows exactly what this little scamp is doing. And in a move that's likely very embarrassing to his owner, he's chosen the vet's leg as his latest romantic pursuit.
After seeing this, it should come as no surprise to learn that Reddit user PandorasFox informed everyone that he's about to get neutered himself. Considering the timing, it's hard not to wonder whether he knows that. He's certainly demonstrating why it needs to happen.
These descriptions are medically necessary, of course

Vet offices can have a lot of personality depending on who's running them, and this little chart is a perfect example of that. As shown here, it's clearly a very serious and scientific measurement system at play here.
It's kind of easy to laugh at this, but it could legitimately be to the pet owner's benefit. After all, it seems a little easier to eyeball the difference between "chonk" and "heckin' chonker" than the difference between 26% and 35% body fat.
Is this a parallel universe?

Some animals give the impression that they think they're people, but this cat is perhaps the only one who's actually convincing. Based on the way it's sitting in this chair, it honestly looks like it drove itself to this vet's office.
Not only that, but it looks like it tried a human doctor's office first before being turned away. After all, its face looks mildly shocked at the indignity of being treated like an animal. The guys are going to hear about this at the water cooler tomorrow.
Sometimes, the fun part is outside the vet's office

Although there are so many ways that animals can be funny, adorable, or both when they end up at the vet's office, the office itself can be funny, too. There's something about a sign like this that makes it seem relaxed and approachable.
It's just too bad that animals can't read. Otherwise, they might be able to stop fearfully clinging to their owner's arm once they get there. Although they'd also have to learn what the dinosaurs were first. That sounds like a lot to explain.
It's a first time for everyone

It's hard to tell how many llamas the vet has worked with before, but it seems like a safe bet that this is the llama's first time going there. This kind of cheerful, friendly expression is typically only seen in first-timers.
It's hard to tell what exactly makes so many animals hate, fear, and act suspiciously around the vet, but it clearly hasn't happened to this llama yet. And with any luck, it never will because who wants to see that smile go away?
It doesn't seem to like this one either

When an animal gets an operation, people generally expect to see it come out wearing a big cone around its neck so it doesn't nibble at the recovering area. However, it seems that some places now use inflatable cones like this instead.
It looks like it would be a little less cumbersome, but I'm not sure it makes much of a difference to the cat. Either way, it would probably make this face, which clearly says, "I hate this thing and want it off me immediately." Sorry, kitty. Doctor's orders.
That makes it official, then

This dog looks a little tired after his grueling vet visit, but he seems to handle his experiences with grace, patience, and dignity. And the evidence of his stellar performance is right there on his head.
Yes, it seems that the vet put a little star sticker on his head. It's unclear whether they do that to all of their patients at this office, but it's clear what it means if they don't. It means that this dog is a certified good boy.
There's really no need to fight over it

For some reason, so many cats think that the foolproof plan when visiting the vet is to hide in the sink immediately. However, it seems that both cats had the same idea this time. And they're clearly nervous about it since the crowding will surely give away their hiding place.
Granted, that may also be because they're likely more than a little cramped in that small sink. Don't worry, kitties; neither of you need to compete for your spots in there. The vet could see you the whole time!
This doesn't work any better for toddlers

When a cat is brought to the vet, it often doesn't take long before it either climbs into that sink or immediately steps past it to stick its face against the wall. The question is, what does it think it's accomplishing by doing that?
Does it think it won't have to go through the checkup if it stubbornly stands with its back to everybody? Or does it think that if it can't see anybody, it also can't be seen? Either way, it needs to stop taking strategies from toddlers.